When it rains, it pours

It's been a crazy couple of days and it all came down in a heap...

The beauty of entrepreneurship especially being in sales!

Hey, Patrick Galang here from Setters & Closers.

To write this as the first post wasn't really the plan but is fitting to what I'd like this email newsletter to be - raw, real and informative.

Goes to show that sometimes when things go bad, they can go bad.

On a serious note, before I continue, our team was struck with sad news yesterday, the worst actually and my thoughts and prayers are with him and the family.

It kicked off before it kicked off

Monday in Australia was a typical day. Work, soccer with our kiddo, dinner, a bit of work then bed. Except, I skipped the work part because I got some sort of fever! Shivering through the night.

Fast forward to the next day, all wiped out. Moving on to the next day, not a lot of work done, a few calls here and there.

Then, the news no one wants to hear. The worst case scenario. This team member plays a huge role in our client success and of course we support each other so the team cover!

The wheels fall off for everyone

As if it was in concert with each other, 2 of our newest accounts to build sales teams for have minor meltdowns. Well, major really if you think about how we just got started with these clients.

Scene 1 - client's closer loses power and internet for almost the whole day. We have yet to place new closers, so the biz owner gets on some calls and moves the rest. $0 rev for the day!

Scene 2 - client's closer is fired because he wasn't doing his job! We have no one to cover calls so I open my calendar to take some. Not an issue but takes time!

Scene 3 - a major account we manage is 2 closers down! Not to worry, I have some time and take calls - close a few, feeling good. But by now, I'm f'd.

The silver lining

A couple of key moments - me not panicking, the team having each other's back.

Shit had to be done and it was. It was scrappy but it all came together. Clients were happy, their clients were happy. Best of all, we got to support our team member through a very difficult time. Something I'm very proud of.

Plus we still managed to secure our own client bookings whilst our marketing is 'turned off'. Goes to show the power of reputation and results.

If you've read this far - TLDR

Thank you! This newsletter is about sales and the impact we, as business owners and sales professionals can have on people.

Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, you will be getting this in your inbox! I promise it will be high value and entertaining, especially with your involvement.Topics will range from articles/stories written by me, my team or by you, our community.

I hope you will enjoy it and if you have someone you think should be reading this, then forward this email and get them to come and find us!

See you soon!