What really happens when growing a business?

I haven't seen a lot of people do this so I thought it would be great to share

It was September 2019 when I got into the online coaching space…

Earlier in that year, I’d just finished up from being a Director of Sales for a finance company. I was there for nearly 10 years.

I was comfortable and was making great money but I wanted something more. It was eating away at me.

So off I go and fell into becoming a remote closer, working from home. As it turns out, we would all be working from home as the pandemic hits!

I didn’t realise at the time, but I got exposure to a ton of high level coaches (Sam Ovens, Taki Moore, and more) and my mind was blown.

It’s what helped me launch and grow my sales recruitment business that started back in June 2021.

But far beyond tactics and strategies, one thing I was interested in was how people got to where they were.

(btw, if you’re reading this and find value in it, shoot me a quick email reply so I know)

The problem was, most of the stories shared by successful people are a look back at what happened. There were very few documenting their process and sharing it as they went.

It was always ‘hey if I had my time back, this is what I’d do’ OR ‘these were the mistakes that I made and how I fixed it’.

For me, I can share all the things I did to make reasonable success with my business Setters & Closers, but there might be more valuable things I can share moving forward!

As we re-launch our revamped recruitment offering, I thought it would be a good opportunity to share the journey as it happens.

So, in the coming emails, I’ll share with you exactly what’s happening, what stage we’re at and the things I’m building.

A list of things I’ll share topics on:

  • Launching our new www.settersnclosers.com from scratch

  • The podcast - The Entrepreneur Unplugged (needs a new name I think)

  • Our Private Equity Fund

  • Launching another SaaS product at the end of the year (outside the coaching field)

I’ll let you know our growth strategy, things we implement, if things are good, if things are not good, my way of thinking and am feeling at each stage.

And what my goal is for my business.

By no means am I at a level of where others are, but I’ve not done so bad lol

It may help to show how difficult but how rewarding growing something can be.

So in the end you’ll either see a success story or a fail but either way, you can see behind the scenes.

And if you know anyone that this might be helpful to, forward them this email and get them to subscribe so they don’t miss anything 🙏

Next up - I’ll share the vision and where we’re at right now so you can be caught up.