The diary of a remote salesperson - Part 2

First week of August done and dusted

The diary of a remote salesperson - Part 2

First week of August done and dusted

A few days ago I shared my plans of working with 2 of our portfolio clients to build their sales arm and take calls.

I get questions about the online sales profession and what it’s really like…

I’ve been placing and building teams for coaches for over 2 years now.

And beliefs sent out in the world by internet marketers and coaches that are a bit more on the optimistic side.

As they say - IYKYK

Some of it is misleading…both for the good or for the bad

- That mythical $10k/mth commission role - is it possible?

- Do you need to be on an established offer to do that?

Whatever it is…I hope what I share can inspire or deter people

The reality is there are sales reps making a lot more than business owners…

With a combination of the right offer, right team and right skills.

Anyway follow along as I share what can happen - good and/or bad

Back to the update:

This past week was not bad on our two clients I’m taking calls for…

Offer A - I did $15k cash collected

Offer B - I finished with $17k cash collected

$32k total, both on part time availability

33% conversion on calls I took

The good: our setters did an amazing job lining up expectations for the calls and show rates were up

The bad: a few lost due to financial qualification...we can tighten this part up for sure

For some context…

Offer A’s best total month ever was $61k across the team

Offer B’s best total month ever was $58k across the team

So they are not $1m month businesses (yet) where there’s a team already crushing it

In this space, sometimes you make your own opportunities

That’s it for now…link in part 1 of this type of content in the comments.

PS I started a hashtag for this ‘series’ so it might be easier for you to follow if interested.

PPS I’ve got a YT video coming on the overall scaling of these 2 portfolio clients not just about me taking calls.

Enjoy your weekend...we're back at it this coming week!