How to (actually) sign more clients

By tweaking your open ended questions...

There is a way to get better answers from your prospects…

By better, I mean getting more of the truth!

It’s easy - ask more leading questions

Saves you from having to probe and get BS answers...

(Happy Monday btw)

Here’s what I mean:

Before: What are some challenges you're facing right now?️

After: What are some challenges you're facing right now 'with regards to (getting the thing your clients want the most)?'️

Before: Ok cool, tell me more about that...️

After: Ok cool, help me understand 'why it's such a challenge for you? Bonus Q- Is it because of this (reason) or because of that (reason)?'️

Before: And how long has this been an issue for?️

After: Ok that makes sense...and is this something you've been working on for a while or is it something that's recently come up?️

You with me so far?

No need to ask so many open-ended questions without specific outcomes...

Because the truth is people dance around those questions anyway.

There you go, try that next time.

P.S. If you want me to send you a quick 5min video, just shoot me a reply saying ‘VIDEO’ and I’ll send it over to ya!