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For the sales pros who want to know what’s possible outside of taking sales calls

We're holding a 2 day virtual event

For the sales pros who want to know what’s possible outside of taking sales calls

Next week, we’re running a 2 day workshop for our private community

Our members base is made up of high level remote sales professionals.

We want to open it up for others to come and join us for a tiny investment.

So, if you’re tired of trading time for money or going from offer to offer…

And maybe you’re ready to:

- Earn better commissions for what you’re already doing

- Explore different roles with high income potential outside of just selling

- Be taking less sales calls and commission as your main source of income

- Execute that business idea you’ve been meaning to launch but not sure how

- Benefit from the success of a business above and beyond just commissions only

If that’s you, then this is for you…

We’ve got a jam packed 2 days!

5 of our members are sharing insights on what they’ve been successfully doing, outside of just taking sales calls:

James Lawrence recently launched a new offer successfully and has refined his process to make sales much simpler. He will be sharing insights on those topics!

Daniel Matallana made $10k last month without taking sales calls by leading his team. He will share insights on the difference between sales management and sales leadership.

Laura Breust will share the first steps beyond sales as she sets up JV deals and adding more monthly income through internal sales coaching to her role.

Christian Jack manages multiple teams across a variety of offers and has successfully negotiated terms that allow him further opportunities. He’ll be sharing his journey on that.

Christopher Sylvan came into the high ticket space with previous professional skills and was able to leverage those skills to sales management level fast. Intrapreneurship skills on show.

I’d say I’ve done some cool things over the last 18 months with JV’s, equity deals, co-founded offers and business investments that I can share.

We’ll go through the strategies, mindset, creativity

All that you need to work towards your ‘next steps’


Help you see what opportunities are already in front of you.

The thing is, as sales professionals, we can get stuck in our day to day

You’ve seen it…

You’ve been on offers, seen the marketing dialled in, watched the leads dry up…

Make crazy commissions one month, make next to nothing the next…

So the pattern continues…

Until you do something different, get creative, take control of your own future

But this time, instead of doing what everyone else is doing, you develop the skills and network to be able to create and build something for YOURSELF

Plus, there’s something so inspiring about being around the right people.

So, to put into bullet points, over the 2 days we’ll cover:

* Pros and cons of personal branding

* Equity deals - when and when not to take it

* Sales management - how to make the transition

* How to make selling simple - advanced sales skills

* How to find opportunities outside of taking sales calls

* Intrapreneurship - become the most valuable asset in your offer

All the things you need to get going, for just US$195

It’s on US Sunday 24th to Monday 25th 7.30pm EST for about 2 hours each day

In Australia, that’ll be Monday to Tuesday 9.30am QLD time.

We’ll have lots of Q&A time and breakout rooms with a focus on implementation

So, if you want to be best prepared to make career moves in the remote space

Or if you simply want to hang out with an amazing group of people…

Just reply to this email and I’ll get you the link to register

We’ll close the registration by Wednesday 20th.

PS. We have over 30 members who are coming to this event so it’ll be a good place to hang out over the 2 days.

PPS Early adopters get a 1on1 implementation call with one of us complimentary. The point of this is to get you taking massive action!